The patronage of arts, which played a huge role in the formation and development of the national culture, was the most important part of the large-scale charitable giving in Russia. The phrase “patronage of arts” is derived from the name of a Roman statesman Gaius Cilnius Maecenas who lived I B.C. and helped the talented Roman poets of the time. The name of Maecenas as a fan of fine arts and patron of poets became a household name and came into the languages of many nations. We consider the patrons of arts those people who voluntarily donate money, fortune, etc. for the construction of various public buildings (temples, theatres, hospitals, educational institutions), help the artists, writers, poets, and musicians. K. S. Stanislavski wrote, “For art to flourish, we need not only the artists, but also the patrons of arts.” It was through the efforts of the patrons of arts that the extensive collections of the highly artistic monuments of arts, museums, theaters, and other centers of spiritual life were established in Russia.
Patronage of arts as a support of the individuals of culture, science, and arts gained momentum in Russia since the 18th century when the conditions necessary for the conduction of the activities associated with education, museums and collection, and protection of cultural heritage were formed in the country.

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Participate in the Fund’s Initiatives

  • Pushkin Café
/ jointly with the Fund, a dessert called “Estate,” all the proceeds from the sales go to the Fund support/

  • Aeroflot
/program participants can transfer their miles from their program account to the Fund’s account/

/a selection of postcards / photographs, any price starting from RUB 50, send them to your friends /

Donations to the Fund

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